Archives for July 6, 2010

Rescue Leonbergers Available in Canada

For more information on Leonbergers in Canada that are in need of adoption or a foster home please visit the Leo Rescue Canada at or contact via email


September 12th | Leopalooza – 2010

This Ontario annual fun day is a great way to share the day with your Leo. To catch up with old friends and to make new friends.  We hope that everyone will come out and enjoy the day!  For directions and more information see the Leopalooza flyer!

Should be lots of fun!

Leonberger Club of Canada Booster

June 13th | Leonberger Club of Canada Booster – 2010

Sunday June 13th The Leonberger Club of Canada held a booster At the Ontario Kennel Club Dog show held in Orono, Ontario. Everyone had a fantastic time.

There were 12 Leos entered in the show and everyone had a fantastic time. The dogs were all well behaved and everyone did a great job in the ring.

Congratulations to the winners!

Winners Dog: Accolade of Sterlingden (Laddie) , owners Beverly Waites and David Ludwick

Best of Winners and Winners Bitch: Heronview’s Exotic Dancer (Emma), owner Lori Dzingala

Best Puppy: Ludwick’s Belle Von Drea (Belle), owners Beverly Waites and David Ludwick

Best of Opposite (below): Heronview’s Exotic Dancer (Emma), owner Lori Dzingala

Best of Breed (below): CH GoldnPheonix Hit the Road CGN (Darcy), owners Janet Hanson and Alex Klebnikoff

A prize and ribbon was offered for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Best Puppy in Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.